Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a Feeling.

So I did it.
I scoured the city for the right ones.
And I think I finally did it.
Of course, everyone has their opinions of legwarmers. I had someone tell me he would break up with me if I actually wore them (bye-bye!) And considering the random chill in the air lately, today would be the perfect day to warm my legs with my favourite ski-lodge appropriate knitwear!
Now that they're on, I must say- my legs are warm. But the fashion? Well. I must admit. I feel the same way about them as I did in the 80's. I love them. But they're rather complicated to wear for something that LOOKS so easy.
It's okay if you're embarrassed to be seen with me. I figure the 80's were humiliating enough. My legs deserve a toasty treat.


Christa Jeanne said...

Wow - classic!!! Do we get to see a pic of the Chosen Ones?

f*bomb. said...

That would be a YES.

klundtacular said...

I go with thigh highs under my suit pants. Of course when I walk to work I put on socks with those Docs, but I change into the 3" heels at work. I know no one sees them, but there's something kind of sexy and forbidden about wearing thigh highs.